Thursday 13 January 2011

Useful Latin Phrases

Salvé! (Hello!)
Nómen mihí est Quinctílió. (My name is Quinctilius.)
Quid nómen tibí est? (What is your name?)
Ut valés? (How are you?)
Valeó, et tú? (I'm well, and you?)
Aegrótó. (I'm ill.)
Ubí latrína est? (Where is the toilet?)

Ubí habitás? (Where do you live?)
Habitó Rómae. (I live in Rome.)
Liceatne mihí numerum telephonicum tuum habére? (May I have your phone number?)
Labóró capite. (I have a headache.)
Nunc est mihí domum féstínandum. (Now I have to go home.)
Valé! (Good bye!)